Marriage and Family: Better Ready Than Not [Book]
$9.25 used · Better World Books
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Arrives Jan 28 – 31
: Paperback
: Non-fiction
: Family Relationship
: James P. Trotzer, Toni B. Trotzer
: Accelerated Development, paperback
This book provides readers with the knowledge and skills needed to engage effectively in marriage and family life. The first chapter provides an overview of the book's content. Concepts relative to individual growth and development, and the movement toward intimacy are presented with emphasis on the teenage, young adult, and adult phases of the life cycle. The second chapter makes a case for knowing oneself as a basis for making effective choices in marriage and family life. The third chapter explores interpersonal relating as a foundation for the process of relationship development in the context of marriage and family life. The fourth chapter investigates the nature and impact of common factors which form today's environment. The fifth chapter explores the impact of one's family of origin, and the sixth chapter explores the process and experience of dating and courtship. The seventh chapter addresses the meaning and experience of marriage. The concept of commitment and the importance of love and respect are stressed. The eighth chapter discusses the family as a system. The ninth chapter addresses the special issues and problems of a remarried life. Dynamics of healthy family functioning that account for forming an effective new unit while honoring legacy connections of past relationships are stressed. The tenth chapter presents an overview of professional and community resources available to couples and families. (LLL)
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