Food Yoga: Nourishing Body, Mind & Soul [Book]
$27.62 · eBay - grandeagleretail
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Arrives Feb 7
: Paperback
: Non-fiction
: Body / Mind / Spirit, Health / Fitness
: Paul Rodney Turner
: Paul Rodney Turner, paperback
Author Paul Rodney Turner, the "food yogi," takes you on a journey of rediscovering food and its importance in our spiritual evolution. Learn how to make food part of your spiritual journey - Take back control of your dinner table - Learn the ancient yoga practice of mastering the senses - Get practical guidance on obtaining a healthy body, mind, and soul - Learn about the sacred geometry of food. - FOOD YOGA not only offers practical guidance on how to live a healthy and happy life by reconnecting with nature but also introduces the reader to the power of food as a uniter and a medium for expressing our love for the divine. - All the world's great spiritual traditions have elaborate food offering rituals carefully designed to expand consciousness and all use food as a means to represent or please the Divine and to expand the consciousness of their followers. Food yoga is, in essence, a discipline that honors all spiritual paths by embracing their core teaching - that food in its purest form is divine and, therefore, an excellent medium for spiritual purification. If you ever wanted to unravel the mystery of higher consciousness, it all begins with mastering the tongue, and that is exactly what you'll learn in FOOD YOGA. TESTIMONIALS: "I am on my third reading of your delightful book, FOOD YOGA. Everything about the book is uplifting and unifying. How fortunate the world is to have this laid out like this. You've done a marvelous job in giving the world the tools to do just that KNOWLEDGE! You've covered every area needed to give any layperson insight and knowledge about the science of food and the science of Yoga. Blessings many times over for your continued endeavors to serve humanity to the utmost. " - Lilian Butter, Raw Soul Founder. "It's about time somebody wrote this book. Paul Turner did it in an excellent way. A much-needed contribution and soon to be a staple for serious yogis." - Raghunath Cappo, Yoga Master. 'Should be a must-read for anybody who's ever held a fork." - Victoria Moran, Founder of Main Street Vegan.
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