15 reviews
A fine book.
SJ· Review provided by · November 21, 2019
The reason I gave this book three stars was because I felt like it was a little oversold. It was a fine book. A nice storyline and easy to read. Quiet unfortunate and terrible that this happened to the author. However, many of the reviews implied that is was the BEST BOOK EVER! I felt like that was a bit of an exaggeration. It was okay. Although, never having been through an issue like that. It's possible that many others could relate to this book better than I did.
Sharon· Review provided by · January 4, 2023
Jen Waite was raw and sincere, I could feel her vulnerability, her naivety, her realizations, shock and pain. I felt like I was on the journey with her and connected with her experience on every level. She is admirable to all women who have experienced heart break and betrayal and is a powerful example of how to overcome the harsh lessons life can sometimes dish out. Jen is a woman to be admired, I highly recommend this book.
Julie· Review provided by · July 29, 2019
After a suspicious email, Jen Waite is suspicious that her loving husband might be loving someone else. This leads her to investigate who this man is and what is really happening in her marriage. Alternating between Before and After, the chapters in this book keep the reader engaged and interested in Waite's marriage as she tries to find a single moment from the past five years that isn't a lie. Thankfully Waite found out the truth. This is a great read.
It was a nice book
SJ· Review provided by · November 22, 2019
The reason I give this book three stars was because I felt like it was over-sold. Most of the reviews claimed that this book is "a brilliant book and you won't be able to put in down until you finish the last page". To me, this statement is a large one and difficult to live up too. It was a nice book for sure and unfortunate/ terrible that the author went through this. However, personally I thought it was worth three out of five stars.
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