: Family Relationship
: Tyndale House Publishers, hardback
A devotional to strengthen the bond between yourself and your wife through the power of prayer. - Marriage is a beautiful gift from God, but it requires intentional effort and continuous nourishment to thrive. Prayer can transform both your heart and your wife's', leading to a more fulfilling and God-centered marriage. Through prayer, you can help your relationship grow stronger and healthier, knowing that you are partnering with the One who created marriage. - Using relatable personal stories, this beautifully designed, giftable devotional is a companion for any husband's prayer journey, where you'll find: Specific topics for prayer and reflection for your spouse, including your wife's spiritual growth, her physical and emotional well-being, her relationship with you, and her relationships with others - Bible verses to remind you that God's truth surpasses your emotions and your circumstances - Guided prayers that will help you to pray for your spouse intentionally and with purpose. - Accessible "Love in Action" suggestions to help you put in practice caring for your wife in a meaningful way. - Embrace this prayer journey with an open heart, building a godly marriage and taking the opportunity to deepen your connection with God and your wife so that you can flourish in the love God has given you together. - This leatherlike edition makes for a great couple's gift paired with 52 Prayers for My Husband!