The history of gold mining, presidential politics, the Civil War, the burning of Washington during the War of 1812, the French and Indian War, and various important personages come to life through these mind-tingling stories.
They walk beside the murky waters of the Chesapeake Bay, linger among the fetid swamps and roam the manor halls. These are the tormented souls who refuse to leave the sites of their demise.
But not all groups are created equal. Here's the difference...most have considered the "how" of small groups, but only a few have discovered the "why." Why Small Groups? has been specially developed for group members and leaders alike.
In this comprehensive compilation of ghost stories and local legends, Shelley Wygant explores the history and horrors of a village that somehow lives on.
This splendid collection -- at once insightful, funny and sad -- digs into the psyche of the nation's capital, revealing not only the hidden selves of the people that run it, but the messy lives that the rest of us lead.
She set out to learn how the French achieve all this, while telling the story of her own young family in Paris. BÉBÉ DAY BY DAY distills the lessons of BRINGING UP BÉBÉ into an easy-to-read guide for parents and caregivers.
Drawn from essays written over a ten-year period of questioning and exploration, this book is a unique record of the spiritual search, from the perspective of someone who made plenty of mistakes along the way.
... HALLOWEEN PARTY - 2 SWM , attractive , huggable , fun ( 1 tall , 1 medium ) ... Gaithersburg , MD 20879 . HAVE SMALL CHILDREN ? -- Tall , handsome gentle ... spirit ( some of the above ?? ) in SWM 35-50 . ISO 201-1089 Washingtonian ...