santalucia   One of the quintessential sites for scuba diving in the Cuban archipelago is in the resort of Santa Lucia, near the Old Channel of the Bahamas, with 21 kilometers of beaches, and just a few hundred meters from the coral reef that runs through the north of Cuba, as it is born in that area where it is closest to the coast.

    Located in the province of Camagüey, the one with the largest coastline of the Cuban archipelago and therefore beaches, it is the main tourist center in the region with more than a thousand rooms.

From the shore you can see the breaking of the waves to indicate its location and visiting it constitutes one of the most pleasant experiences that can be had for those who enjoy observing the spectacular marine fauna and flora.

   The coral reefs that abound there integrate the formations typical of tropical areas, which require warm temperatures between 20 and 28 Celsius degrees for their formation, development and survival, and of marine areas mainly of transparent waters, where sunlight provides them the energy necessary for their growth.

   There are at least three dozen diving spots, where an incredible and silent world dominated by a rich biodiversity - which includes thousands of fish of various colors, shapes and sizes; immense corals, also of incredible varieties, caves and crystalline waters-, offers an extraordinary transfer to another world: the underwater world.

   A destination par excellence for scuba diving and where accommodation, in any of the hotels, provides the well-being of sharing an excellent stay in the rich sun and beach of the Caribbean.(Ileana Borges Díaz, ACN)

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